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Hoarding Recovery Path - Stage 3 Preparation

  • 15 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


In this stage, you are intending to start the healthier behaviours in the next 30 days. In the preparation stage, you have made a commitment to make a change. Your motivation for changing is reflected by statements such as: “I’ve got to do something about this — this is serious. Something has to change. What can I do?” This is sort of a research phase. You're gathering information and starting to make a plan. This self-paced course with reading materials, short videos and workbooks guides you through the steps at your own pace. It will prepare you for the Action phase (Stage 4) and encourage you to reflect upon yourself through the 28 Day Self-Reflection challenge. This course takes you on a process of self-discovery, at a general overview level to help you understand more about your triggers and what you need to look out for. You cannot start thinking about decluttering and organising when you don't have strategies in place to deal with the anxiety and negative emotions that will arise when you start to do the decluttering.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


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Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

Hoarding Support Group

Hoarding Support Group

Private 4 Members


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